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Art Class

Specialist Tutoring

Specialist tutoring is for children who need extra support. They may have additional learning needs, be behind in the curriculum, or just not be doing as well academically as you feel they could. I work closely with the family to establish what each child needs, and how they learn best. I then design a sequence of lessons to help my students build confidence and close any gaps in their learning. 

The sessions are usually an hour, comprising of fun and engaging tasks to address our goals. 
I use an 'assess-plan-do-review' cycle that means we are always looking at and celebrating progress together, while making sure our time is used effectively.

Your child could benefit from specialist tutoring if they need support with any of the following:




Literacy Difficulties

  • Reading - fluency, accuracy, phonic knowledge and comprehension

  • Spelling - learning, retaining and using learned words and patterns

  • Writing - reluctance to write, generating ideas, writing stamina, sentence construction, grammar

  • Vocabulary - using and understanding a wide range of words, including new vocabulary from other subjects

  • Handwriting - legibility, presentation, fatigue

Maths difficulties

  • Learning number facts, e.g times tables and number bonds

  • Understanding the four key operations and their relationships

  • Place value understanding, larger numbers, fractions, decimals

  • Telling the time

  • Lack of confidence

  • Problem solving, including word problems

  • Constantly having to re-learn and re-cap 

Working memory

  • Mental maths

  • Following instructions in the classroom and at home 

  • Generating ideas for writing

  • Missing key elements of a story when reading

Learning habits

  • Independence in the classroom

  • Attention to detail

  • Checking work 

  • Perseverance

  • Managing distractions

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